
Comprehensive Management Insurance, Cautions and Guarantees – Sconsultora, CABA

Guarantees for Tenders

Surety bonds for tenders are guarantees that cover the maintenance of the offer presented by the company in a public tender. Surety bonds for the proper execution of the contract are guarantees that cover the agreed conditions, as well as the guarantee period that can be established.

  • What is guaranteed?

    The offer maintenance is a provisional guarantee (presented when bidding) that ensures the ability to assume the commitments of the contract subject to the tender, while the Award Guarantee is a definitive guarantee (execution) that is established so that the taker is responsible for the correct fulfillment of the obligations assumed in the definitive contract.

Insurance for construction works

Surety Bonds for Construction Works.

Surety bonds for construction are an effective tool to ensure the success of your project. Depending on the type of contract and the obligation to guarantee, there are specific policies, with variations in terms of the types of coverage, their scope and conditions, such as Maintenance of Offer, Execution of Contract, Financial Advances, Replacement of Repair Funds and others.

  • See more

    Contractual guarantees

Credit insurance

Credit insurance is an instrument that aims to protect companies from the risk of non-payment of accounts receivable. It is applicable both in the national and international markets.

Credit Insurance ensures that your business is not negatively affected by the unforeseen failure of one or more of your clients caused by declared insolvency (bankruptcy, default on creditors or other similar situation) or by unpaid credits for more than 6 months.

They are capable of covering credit invoices for goods or services carried out between companies in the short term.

  • Advantages of credit insurance

    Protects creditors from the risk of non-payment

Customs guarantees

Customs guarantee policies cover, according to their different modalities, tax tariffs and fines.

  • Types of policies

    Terrestrial Transit

  • Minimum required documentation

    Copy of the notice and/or request for guarantee issued by the AFIP, which states the group to which the importer/exporter belongs.

  • Basic documentation required

    Import paperwork (bill of landing, shipping manifests), statement of the final destination of the merchandise, detailing the amounts to be guaranteed.

The Automotive Regime (REAU)

It is a customs guarantee used by automotive and auto parts manufacturers in Argentina.

  • Technical advice
  • Customized management of electronic customs surety bonds
  • Online form

  • Release of REAU guarantees

    The Secretariat of Industry issues a request for release of guarantees for a specific period.

  • Requirements

    Customs requires the REAU surety bond to ensure that automotive and auto parts companies can continue to import and export, thereby protecting the industry.

Judicial Guarantees

These guarantees are requested by a court through an order, at the request of one of the parties, and serve to replace a real guarantee.

These surety bonds provide litigants with a suitable and economically accessible means of guaranteeing their procedural obligations when the respective Code so requires.

Guarantees of good performance of Activity or Profession

  • Travel Agencies

    This guarantee replaces the deposit that those who carry out tasks related to tourism are required to make before the aforementioned supervisory body, in order to guarantee their performance.

  • Temporary staffing companies

    These guarantees are required from temporary service companies in order to ensure payment of fines or cancellation of the license. They are required by the Employment Law.

  • Customs agents, auctioneers, brokers, auditors, butchers, etc.

    These policies cover auctioneer associations from paying fines that their members should pay for non-compliance with the rules that govern the profession.

  • Operators of liquid and gaseous fuel dispensing stations.

    These policies cover the Energy Secretariat and ENARGAS in compliance with the regulations established for the development of the activity, including the payment of fines in the event that the policyholder does not do so.

Civil liability insurance

The Professional Liability policy covers the insured when he or she legally owes a third party as an immediate consequence of a claim arising from a negligent act committed during the duly authorized performance of his or her professional duties. The coverage is intended to protect professionals against claims by clients and/or third parties for acts that generate financial losses based on errors, faults or negligence committed during the performance of their activities or provision of their services.

  • Coverages

    Legal assistance and legal defense in civil, administrative and/or criminal proceedings for claims by third parties as a result of negligent acts during the course of their profession.

Rental Guarantees

  • Rental guarantees

    Rental guarantees are implemented through a surety bond that guarantees the owner compliance with the contracts for real estate leased in terms of payment of rent, expenses and others.

  • Unpaid rents

    The Insured is guaranteed to collect the rents stipulated in the lease agreement entered into with the Policyholder.

  • Replacement of security deposit

    This policy is intended to replace the security deposit that the Policyholder is required to provide, in accordance with the rental contract entered into with the Insured. It cannot be applied to the collection of unpaid rent or fines.


for business directors

Guarantees for Company Administrators.

The Commercial Companies Law establishes, in its article 256, second paragraph, that the company's bylaws must contemplate a guarantee that must be provided by the directors of public limited companies, applicable to the managers of limited liability companies because they have the same obligations as the former (art. 157, 3rd paragraph, LSC), with the purpose of protecting shareholders and third parties from damages that, due to the development of their management, the aforementioned managers may cause.

Monetary resources, insurance or other forms of guarantee constitute a provision for eventualities that may occur in the management linked to the performance of the directors, with the purpose of protecting the subjects mentioned in the preceding paragraph and the assets of the company. They shall only be used when the damage has actually occurred, and their use for the normal course of business is prohibited.

  • Guarantee that administrators must present to the IGJ

    These guarantees are required by the General Inspection of Justice from directors of public limited companies (SA) and from members of the administrative bodies of limited partnerships with shares (SCA) and limited liability companies (SRL).

  • New Civil and Commercial code. IGJ Resolution No. 7/2

    In accordance with the new Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, General Resolution No. 7/2015 of the IGJ comes into force on 11/2/15.

  • Period of validity

    The policy must cover the term of office of the Director or Managing Partner. Typically, these are annual periods.

  • End of risk

    The risk ends when the Board's management is approved at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting and the Annual Balance Sheet is approved. However, some legal actions have a term of up to 3 years before their prescription occurs.

  • Cancellation

    The policy would only be voided if the Director did not accept the position.

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